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Work Travel Published: 29th November 2022

The 6 Best Networking Events To Go To Whilst In London

Networking has become a vital part of the business world. It allows you to meet new contacts in your industry who can present you with future job opportunities or simply share their own advice and experience. Those who network tend to get ahead in life, especially when they’re in London. 

While there are many networking opportunities in London, it can be hard to find them or even discover the ones that match your industry and experience. That is why we have put together a little guide that will tell you all about the six best networking events in England’s capital. 


Why you should network in London


In such a digital age, it is more difficult than ever before to have face-to-face interactions with people in your industry. You may be able to connect with them online, but it doesn’t present the genuine connection that you would get in person. That’s why it’s vital to still attend networking events to discover unique job prospects and ways to further your career.

London is the capital city of England and the area known for conducting the most business in the country. You’ll find people in almost every field of work, so it is a fantastic location to start networking. London networking offers many more opportunities than any other city, so whether you live in the area or want to travel to an event for the day, you certainly won’t regret it.

Finding the perfect event that matches your industry experience will allow you to meet other professionals with more experience. They will contribute towards growing your own confidence and offering unique insights that you won’t find from any course or Google search. 

So, let’s have a look at some of the networking events you can attend:


London Entrepreneurs Network


Are you a start-up or entrepreneur looking to meet like-minded people who can offer advice on how they got their own businesses off the ground? Then you’ll certainly find a lot of value in attending the London Entrepreneurs Networks. It provides you with visibility and can help you reach your goals much more quickly than if you were to avoid networking. 

This networking event has been designed to help people in the first phase of starting a business. You may have an idea, and you can speak to other people who have made it past this stage. You’ll learn the tactics they used and how successful they have become. There will also be other people in the same stage as you, and you can bounce ideas off of each other. 

There is a wide range of talks and workshops you can become a part of when you attend the London Entrepreneurs Network. You can also take part in unique training and mentorship programs where you can build skills and use this when setting up your business. There is even a chance to be chosen as one of ten people who give the crowd an elevator pitch before the event, which can get you off the ground. 


London Enterprise Technology


Similar to the London Entrepreneurs Network, the London Enterprise Technology is also catered to people in the early stages of setting up a business. It is beneficial for new entrepreneurs who are looking to get into the business world and learn what it is like to work with high-end enterprises in the city of London. 

There are a ton of valuable resources up for grabs when attending this networking event, and you’ll learn all about some of the biggest enterprises in the city and how they were able to get where they are. You can also learn useful skills that you can take to your own business, and you may eventually be able to set up your own successful enterprise. 

You don’t have to wait too long to attend one of these networking events because they hold a panel discussion once or twice every quarter. A wide range of panellists, such as investors, entrepreneurs, and successful business owners, will tell you about their experiences, and you can ask them questions. Like the London Entrepreneurs, you may also submit an application to present your business ideas to the audience. 


Women Who Code


The field of technology has been heavily male-based for too long, and women often find it difficult to climb the ladder in this industry. That’s why Women Who Code was set up, where female entrepreneurs with a career in the field of technology can meet like-minded women and learn how to further their work and make it to the top. 

Women Who Code is an extremely popular event and has even been named one of the largest groups of female engineers in the world. It is an NGO with a vision of assisting women in London to learn more about how they can excel in their field of work and make it to the top without any prejudice. 

A ton of Women Who Code events are held every year in the capital of England, and there are many opportunities to learn things you wouldn’t in any other place. You can choose to either attend an educational event where you will learn new skills and about the experiences of others, or you can go to a social event where you can talk to other females just starting out in the industry. 



Business Networking and Growth


The whole aim of networking events is to help others learn how to better their career, and the Business Networking and Growth is no different. Like many other London networking organisations, this group has been designed to help small business owners and start-ups learn how they can reach further success from people who have already gotten there. 

They bring together like-minded individuals, enabling them to build professional relationships without any social pressure. Each event offers a relaxed environment where you can casually talk to others, share your own experiences and find solutions to any problems you may be experiencing. You’ll leave each meetup with a fresh perspective and new insights on how to take your business to the next level.

You can experience many advantages from attending one of the events run by the Business Networking and Growth Group. Not only will you be able to make new friends with people in your industry, but you will be able to discover new business opportunities and partnerships. You can learn about business trends you may have never known about and find ways to update your own strategy from there. 


Startup GRIND


Yes, we’ve already mentioned a ton of networking events in London designed specifically for start-ups and entrepreneurs, but Startup GRIND offers something a little different. They want you to learn from experts who have already achieved high levels of success while offering a hands-on experience that allows you to develop new knowledge and skills. 

This global startup community is empowered by Google for Entrepreneurs, and they host a wide range of meetups where you can communicate with some of the leading CEOS and investors in the city. There is a wide range of industry experts, and you can easily find someone with experience in your field of work. The advice and insights you receive are second to none, and you won’t be able to find this sort of help anywhere else. 

While you can go to one of the meetups with the industry experts, there are also annual conferences and mixers where you can communicate with business people going through the same journey. You will be able to talk to other young entrepreneurs and start-up business owners about what they are currently doing to further their careers, and you can learn new tips to take into the real world. 

London New Tech


Technology is taking over the world, and that means there are a ton of job opportunities available in this industry. Therefore, it is useful to have a networking group where you can learn more about the world of technology and how it can improve your lives while showcasing your own ideas and having fun at the same time.

While London New Tech used to have a monthly technology showcase where you could learn about the updates in the industry and how this can further your own career. It was then followed by a networking session where you could talk to other professionals. However, they have decided to change things up and offer a mixture of different online and in-person events. Therefore, you don’t actually need to be in London to attend some of these gatherings. 

If you have a tech idea but are struggling with finding employees or investors to build it, then this is the place to be. The whole event offers inspiration, entertainment, and some fantastic opportunities to get your ideas off the ground. You can even provide ideas for organising your own event! 


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