7 Mistakes To Avoid When Traveling For Business
Business travel is essential for many associates all over the world, and it is a great way to build strong relationships with clients. However, without the proper planning and knowledge, the entire trip can go pear-shaped, leaving you or the client unhappy and making the whole journey a waste of time.
Fortunately, there are some common mistakes that previous business associates have made when travelling, which they have shared with us. By learning about these mistakes, you can discover how best to avoid them and ensure the next business trip you go on runs as smoothly as possible.
Rushing the trip
While a business trip may not be as fun as a tropical holiday, it still shouldn’t be rushed. If you try to utilise your time by booking a flight as close to the meeting with the client as possible and leaving straight afterwards, you’re just putting yourself at risk of running late. Delays happen all the time, and you may end up having to spend more money to rebook or lose the client overall.
The best thing to do is to allow yourself enough time and plan for any possible delays or problems that could arise. You want to show your clients that you’re organised and run a professional business, so being on time and prepared for all meetings should be high in your priorities.
Spending too much
If you’re travelling on behalf of a company, you’ve most likely been allocated a specific budget that you can spend when you go on a business trip. However, a mistake that many associates make is going over this budget without asking permission from their manager or not even discussing a budget in the first place.
Business trips can be costly, and you don’t want to have to spend more than needed. The best thing is to speak to your superior about how much you’re allowed to spend and plan where you’ll allocate your expenses. This avoids any miscommunication and keeps your company’s annual spending in check.
Not checking your bookings
We’ve all been there. You’ve booked an appointment, flight, or hotel stay and accidentally selected the wrong time or date. This can be laughed off when it's for something like a trip to the hairdresser, but when you have an important meeting with a client, you don’t want to turn up a month later than planned.
Every time you make a booking or reservation as part of your business trip, you will want to review your details carefully. Ensure you have selected the right dates and that you haven’t entered the incorrect personal information that could stop you from getting on your flight. It may seem like something simple, but it is incredibly important.

Not packing everything
Some people will pack for a trip a week before, ticking off a checklist of every little thing they need. However, others will leave it an hour before they have to head off to the airport and forget some important documents or pieces of clothing needed for their time away. When going on a business trip, you want to be the former, not the latter.
The minute you’ve booked your travel and accommodation, you’ll want to start compiling a checklist of everything you need to bring with you. Look at what the weather will be like when you get there and be prepared for anything. And most of all, don’t forget your passport and boarding pass.
Forgetting an out-of-office message
When you’re away on a business trip, you aren’t going to be available to deal with your clients back home. Sometimes, your coworkers will be able to help, but this isn’t always the case. If you know that no one will be there to help your clients while you’re travelling, it is extremely important to let them know this.
A great method of informing your other clients that you’ll be away for an allotted amount of time, you will want to formulate an out-of-office message. This means that each time they email you, they’ll receive an automated response telling them that you are unavailable and will be back at a certain date. This keeps all clients happy, and you can go on your trip without worrying about them.
Not getting business travel insurance
You may not want to purchase business travel insurance because it means spending more on your overall trip. However, if you don’t spend a small amount on this insurance, you may end up losing much more money if something goes wrong.
Business travel insurance will provide you with protection in case you get into any medical emergencies and need to use the hospitals or other facilities when you’re in a foreign country. You’ll also be protected if your personal belongings are lost or stolen. You may not need to use it, but it is always good to have it just in case.
Not sleeping enough
This one may seem obvious, but many business associates fail to get enough sleep before they go on a trip. This could be because travel leaves them feeling jet lagged or trying to cram in too much work before they leave. However, without enough sleep, you won’t be able to function at your optimal capacity, and your clients may notice.
Make sure you have had a solid eight hours of sleep before leaving for your trip in case you end up suffering from jet lag. If possible, it is a good idea to try and get a few winks when you are on your flight. Similarly, you also want to ensure you don’t overwork yourself before setting off so you feel fresh when you arrive.
Final thoughts
Business trips can be extremely successful when you’ve invested a lot of planning. However, leaving things until the last minute will undoubtedly lead to mistakes that could cost you the desired outcome of your travels.
By avoiding the common mistakes mentioned, you’re more likely to have a happy client, and you’ll feel less stressed as you leave for your trip. Instead, you may even start to enjoy travelling for business.

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